Dear Parents/Caregivers
We look forward to seeing your child at the start of 2022.
SA Government Recommendations
The Premier, the Hon Steven Marshall, and the Chief Public Health Officer, Professor Nicola Spurrier, have announced a range of changes to the start of the 2022 school year in order to help minimise the peak of COVID-19 cases in South Australia and undue strain on the SA Health system.
Consequently, in line with arrangements being adopted by SA Independent Schools, there will be a staggered return to Tatachilla Lutheran College over the first two weeks of term.
Face-to-face learning has been prioritised for our youngest learners, students in key transition years and SACE Stage 2 students. Remote learning will be provided for all other year levels.
The following 2022 arrangements will apply for Tatachilla Lutheran College:
Dates for the start of Term 1:
Monday 31 January and Tuesday 1 February– staff preparation day for remote learning.
Children of essential workers attending on either of these days will be supervised by College staff. No formal learning programme will be offered on these two days.
Wednesday 2 February – College returns
- Face-to-face learning: Reception, Year 1, Year 7 and Year 12 students (any Year 11’s who are studying a SACE Stage 2 subject please contact Mr Chris McElligott, Head of Middle and Senior Years).
- Remote learning: Years 2 to 6 students and Years 8 to 11 students.
Children of essential workers (and vulnerable children) attending between February 2 and 14 will be supervised in their online learning by College staff (31 January and 1 February will be supervision only without online learning). Please advise the College of your child’s in school attendance via the following survey link to assist with planning, bus services and staffing.
Monday 14 February – The anticipated return of face-to-face learning for all year levels to be confirmed.
New Students to Tatachilla
Students new to the College in Years 8 -11 are invited to attend school on Tuesday, February 1 from 9 -11am to meet key staff and familiarise themselves with the College’s remote learning approach. Students are asked to report to the College gym with their laptop (in casual clothes). This is not a compulsory event. Parents of children attending are asked to drop off their child at the gym entrance and not access school grounds as a COVID safety precaution.
Your child’s wellbeing is paramount
The health and wellbeing of members of the school community; including students, families, and staff, is paramount. We also respect that parents/caregivers may not want their child to attend school for a range of reasons at this time of COVID uncertainty.
If you choose to keep your child at home, or if they are required to isolate, learning resources will be available via and further supported by the College’s online learning platforms, SEQTA (7-12) and Seesaw (R-6).
Out of school hours care will continue as normal.
Minimising the spread of COVID-19
Based on SA Health advice, the following measures will be put in place to minimise the spread of COVID-19:
- Please keep your child home if they are unwell, even mildly
- Masks are required for all adults when indoors (except if it is hindering our staff’s ability to communicate effectively while teaching)
- Masks are strongly recommended for students in Years 3 to 12 when indoors
- Natural ventilation will be maximised by leaving doors/windows open, continued use or air conditioning (set to fresh air intake where available and fans where possible).
- Outdoor learning will be in place where appropriate
- Physical distancing requirements will be maintained where possible
- Student intermingling will be minimised indoors, for example across class groups
- Non-essential visitors will be limited on site. We will work with parents of students who are starting preschool or school to make sure you are able to come on site to be part of your child’s transition (in a COVID safe way).
- There will be a temporary postponement of the following activities (until at least week 4 of term):
- camps, excursions, and incursions
- interschool sport trials and competitions
- large gatherings such as chapels, assemblies and choirs.
We are currently auditing college practices regarding ventilation. Additional safety measures will be augmented by air purifiers, open doors and windows and outdoor learning spaces.
Further Advice
We appreciate that you may have some questions about these changes. For further information or concerns, please contact
It is recognised that the return to school could lead to anxiety for members of the school community, including students. We also recognise this may be a challenging time for many families and staff. We suggest the following external resources to support families deal with immediate stress or anxiety during this time:
We look forward to seeing your child in 2022. We remain blessed and deeply committed to providing quality education and care for your child/ren.