
Bless the Animals

This year at 9am on Wednesday 27 September our final R-12 Chapel of Term 3 will present a 'Blessing of the Animals’ on the Junior School Soccer Field.  

Blessing of the Animals is a Christian practice originating from Francis of Assisi and his recognition of God in the wonder of all creatures.  Tatachilla has a long tradition of valuing and conserving nature, so it makes sense that our students and staff have the opportunity to bring beloved animals to school and to celebrate them.  On the morning there will be the opportunity to have your animal blessed.  The celebration also includes a parade of the animals.  We encourage you to invite family and friends to bring their pets and join in the fun. 

Home Class Teachers will decide the number and suitability of students’ animals to be brought to school.  It might be possible for some small animals to stay during the day but is likely that most pets will have to be taken home by parents soon after the conclusion of the morning event.  Teachers will check with students and other staff regarding allergies to certain animals.

For more information, please contact Pastor Jon Goessling on 0406 085 926 or jon.goessling@tatachilla.sa.edu.au


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