
Parent Seminar: Teens, Parties and Alcohol - A practical guide to keeping them safe

Date: Thursday 23 August 2018

Time: 7.00pm to 8.30pm

Venue: Tatachilla Lutheran College Activity Centre

Bookings required: https://www.trybooking.com/WUHP

Teenage parties provide young people with valuable opportunities to develop a range of social skills that they need to relate effectively with their peers. As they get older alcohol is likely to become a part of these social gatherings and, unfortunately, things can go wrong. Using the latest research, this presentation will examine what we know about school-based young people and alcohol use and its use at parties. It will also provide some practical strategies and simple tips for parents considering allowing their teen to attend such an event to help ensure they are as safe as possible.

Please note that this is a parents only seminar. Students from Years 10-12 will hear directly from Paul Dillon on the day. 


About DARTA and the Presenter, Paul Dillon

Drug and Alcohol Research and Training Australia (DARTA) aims to provide education and training expertise as well as high quality research assistance on a wide range of alcohol and other drug issues.

DARTA specialises in providing education and training to a wide range of audiences and can tailor presentations to suit any agency’s requirements in the area of alcohol and other drugs. Each year, we present education sessions to hundreds of school communities right across Australia, delivering information to students, teachers and parents.

In addition, DARTA has also been asked to present to a wide variety of community groups and organisations at conferences, seminars and workshops both nationally and internationally.

Paul Dillon is the Director and founder of DARTA and he is passionate about ensuring that the community has access to accurate and up-to-date alcohol and other drug information.


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