Global learning helps students develop a sense of shared responsibility towards the world community.

It also equips them with the awareness and knowledge they need to become contributing citizens in their future lives.

We know that the world is currently facing extraordinary challenges that transcend borders.

As such, Tatachilla Lutheran College facilitates opportunities for our students to have global experiences that help them develop cultural sensitivity and participate ethically and effectively in intercultural settings.

These experiences generate far more than academic knowledge: they ignite empathy, open-heartedness, ethical wisdom and global citizenship.

This is important so that students are able to understand world events, reflect on how decisions made in one part of the world can impact another part of the world and embrace different cultures and perspectives.

The college offers two international experiences for students, including an annual trip to Cambodia (Year 11) and a biennial trip to Japan (Years 10 and 11).

 Tatachilla 2025


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The college offers a voluntary and transformational 15-day service-learning experience in Cambodia for interested students at the Year 11 level. 

As part of the experience, students spend time in Phnom Penh, Krus Village (Kampong Chhnang province) and Siem Reap, exploring Cambodian history and culture and learning about the impact of the Khmer Rouge regime.

During the trip, students work alongside the members of the Lutheran Church of Cambodia and several non-government organisations to deliver practical and enduring support to local families and contribute to sustainable community projects.

The trip is based on the World Challenge Model, which means that it is student-led and much more than just a trip overseas. Students help plan the itinerary, manage the travel budget and lead their group though key experiences. Their mission is to partner with the people of Kampong Chhnang to help improve their quality of life through the provision of basic welfare and educational services and educate themselves about Cambodia’s socio-political past, present way of life and future aspirations. 

The experience contributes to the completion of the SACE subject ‘Spiritualties, Religion and Meaning’, which requires students to reflect on big concepts such as community, justice and diversity and evaluate the ethics of aid and humanitarianism.


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Students in Years 10 and 11 who are enrolled in Japanese have the opportunity to participate in 15-day cultural tour of Japan, which includes visits to the temples, castles and megacities of one of the most famous archipelagos in the world.

A highlight of the trip is a week-long homestay with the students of Toryo High School, Tatachilla’s sister school in Kumamoto Prefecture (island of Kyushu). As part of the homestay experience, students learn firsthand about deep-rooted Japanese customs and traditions, develop new ways of thinking, being and seeing and forge long-lasting friendships with their host families.

During the trip, students learned about the aftermath of the 1945 atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and spend time at Hiroshima Peace Memorial, the Cenotaph for the Victims of the Atomic Bomb and the Children's Peace Monument.

The Japan experience inspires a great love of Japanese history, culture and language.

The college hosts a reciprocal visit from the students of Toryo High School every second year, enabling students to strengthen the bonds of international friendship.

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