Tatachilla Lutheran College 2017

The South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE) is an internationally recognised qualification awarded to students who complete their senior secondary education (Years 10, 11 and 12). It paves the way for young people to move from school to work or further training and study.

The SACE is designed to help students develop the skills and knowledge they need to succeed – whether they choose to pursue further education, training or an apprenticeship.

The certificate is based on two stages of achievement: Stage 1 (usually completed in Year 11) and Stage 2 (usually completed in Year 12). Students can study a wide range of subjects and courses as part of the SACE.

Each subject or course completed earns “credits” towards the SACE, with a minimum of 200 credits required for students to gain the certificate.

Students receive a grade from A to E for each subject at Stage 1. Students receive a grade from A+ to E- at Stage 2.

For the Stage 1 compulsory subjects, students need to achieve a final moderated grade of a C or better. For compulsory Stage 2 subjects, students need to achieve a final moderated grade of C- or better.

The compulsory subjects are:

  • Literacy – at least two units or 20 credits from a range of English subjects at Stage 1
  • Numeracy – at lease one unit or 10 credits from a range of Mathematics subjects at Stage 1
  • Personal Learning Plan (PLP) – 10 credits (usually studied at Year 10)
  • Research Project – 10 credits (usually studied at Year 11)
  • Stage 2 subjects – totalling at least 60 credits
  • The remaining 90 credits can be gained through additional Stage 1 or Stage 2 subjects or Board recognised courses or VET courses

SACE = 200 Credits




Tatachilla Lutheran College
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Website design Adelaide: Boylen